Safe Stay Total

In light of the Covid-19 outbreak, I feel confident that measures had been put in place by the hotel to provide a Safe Stay
(based on reviews by 0 guests)

Safe Stay Inspection Total

How good we are at keeping it Safe
(Based on inspections by The Chosen)
We care about you and our staff and that is why we check our hotels often for everything related to a Safe Stay. We engage and involve our guests who have a naturally trained eye - The Chosen by Nordic Choice Hotels. The Chosen responds to over 100 questions relating to a Safe Stay in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are honest and transparent - this score is compiled by the voices of our guests. Read more here

Safe Cleaning

How safely we clean

Safe Amenities

Our safety gadgets

Safe Flow

The ease of moving safely around

Safe Food

Our way of serving food safely to you

Safe Technology

Technology for your safety and ease
(Based on inspections by The Chosen)